Six interested females don’t make a
football team, but the Western Women’s Canadian Football League isn’t giving up
on Red Deer.
President Linda Craig had hoped for more local turnout on
Saturday when women players from Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge ran
demonstrations at the Collicutt Centre to spark interest in forming a Red Deer
tackle football team.
If about 30 interested females had shown up at the open house,
it would have been ideal, said Craig. This would have allowed for 12 defensive
and 12 offensive players and some substitutes.
Instead, only six Central Alberta women showed up from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., prompting the out-of-town players to wrap up their demo early.
Craig believes a couple of return trips to Red Deer will be
necessary to raise more awareness about the league. She figured women often
have a hard time freeing themselves of responsibilities “to do something for
But the half-dozen who turned out were very enthusiastic and
spoke of bringing friends, so there’s potential for drawing a lot more people
in future, said Craig.
“Absolutely, we are planning to come back,” she added, noting
the Western Canadian Conference Final is being planned for Red Deer on July 7.
The female tackle football players will also be back to play some tackle
sessions during Canadian Sports Day in September.
“I think things are still looking good for us to have a team in
Red Deer in 2013,” said Craig.
So far, the WWCFL has the three teams in Alberta, as well as two
teams each in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
While some travel is involved in playing in the league, it’s a
short season with about six games, including the final, said Craig.
“I’ve played a lot of team sports, including volleyball,
basketball and field hockey, but football is the best sport I’ve ever played,”
added Craig, who’s participated for five seasons.
She believes tackle football has it all — including a suitable
position for any sized player.
When everyone is playing to the best of their abilities,
“everything is working so well, and you get this incredible feeling when you’re
crossing the end zone — it’s a real team effort.”
Cherie Coffee, a two-year veteran player with the Edmonton
Storm, described football as the ultimate team sport, since even penalties are
doled across the board instead of just at individuals.
“My favourite part is the camaraderie,” said Coffee. “We go out
there and smack each other around on the field, then we’re all making plans for
a barbecue after the game . . . It’s like ‘Can I help you back up and see if
you’re OK?’”
She and Craig believe injuries are only about as common as in
soccer, because the players are well padded.
Hilary Pilgrim, of Red Deer, isn’t worried about the contact
part of the sport, saying “I was in hockey.” She enjoyed tossing a football
around during the demo and said she would consider playing if there’s enough
interest for a local team.
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